Our working farm is nestled in the heart of the Val d’Orcia, and we’re lucky to call 200 acres of fertile fields, orchards, and gardens our home. From this land, we grow everything from olives and grapes to wheat, barley, fava beans, fruits, and vegetables. We produce organic EVOO and delicious wines. Everything is nurtured with care, and we love sharing the bounty and spirit of Tuscany with our guests. On the working farm Podere San Gregorio we raise pigs, chickens, and rabbits that help us create traditional meats like sausage, prosciutto, and salami. In our gardens we grow organic vegetables and fruits and fresh herbs like rosemary, sage, and thyme.
Casa Moricciani: CIR 052036LTN0017 – CIN IT052036C2IRZEFKI8 | Le Casine di Castello: CIR 052036LTN0030 – CIN IT052036C2Y59N8RK4 La Moscadella: CIR 052036AAT0031 – CIN IT052036B55H5PAE5B Cookie & Privacy Policy | P.iva: 01396130526 | Realizzazione sito internet Studio Web Montepulciano.com / Sviluppo web Risorsainformatica / Grafica Studio Yolo<br
Phone + 39 0577 665516
Mobile: +39 338-7409245