


Broth is served by itself to prepare the stomach for a larger meal; with fresh pasta such as tagliatini or tortellini (little ravioli); as an ingredient for other recipes such as risotto or for yummy soups (chickpea soup, onion soup, etc); or as almost a medicine to fight a bad cold or an upset stomach.


500g (1 lb) beef
Half a chicken, skin removed
1 carrot, peeled and chopped
1 stalk of celery, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
1 ripe tomato, chopped
2 litres (8.5 cups) cold water
Fresh Italian (flat–leafed) parsley, 3–4 stems
Salt to taste (try 1–2 teaspoons, taste before adding too much)


Cut the beef and chicken into pieces. Put into a large saucepan with the chopped vegetables. Add two litres (8.5 cups) of cold water, the salt, and the parsley (tied into a bunch for easy removal later). Bring to the boiling point and then turn down the heat and let it simmer for about 1 hour and 30 min. Remove the meat and strain the liquid. If you wish to remove all the grease, it should be left to cool completely first and then put in the refrigerator. The fat will float to the surface, harden, and will be easy to remove.

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